Apple kendama

Apple kendama / more Trees design

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More Information
size W65-D65-H190mm
weight (g) 235.0000
notes oven, freezer, microwave, dishwasher cannot be used.
remarks When the product gets wet, please wipe it immediately. Keep the product dry and clean. The paintings are safe, but please make sure that small children will not lick the products. Strong impact may cause scratch or crack on the products. Please do not run around with having kendama. Before you play kendama, please make sure that the place is enough broad and safe. String may snap by concentrate power or pulled strongly. Since the kendama is made of natural wood, the grain or color of wood may be different from the pictures. Please enjoy each individuality of the wood.
Short Description 【Apple kendama】Newton discovered the law of gravitation from a falling apple. This “Apple kendama” is a unique wooden toy quoting this story. Kendama is a Japanese traditional toy. This kendama has apple ball. You can feel the gravity of the earth by playing with this apple kendama like Newton! The more you play apple kendama, the more real the apple will be by the painting loses its gloss. In the description of apple kendama, two difficult tricks are introduced. Please try these difficult kendama tricks.


more Trees design

Under the call of “more trees,” from the musician Ryuichi Sakamoto down, a forest conservative organization “more Trees” was established. They collaborate with designers and ateliers around Japan and produce original products.

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