[Creators] JAPAN OF CUTLERY -Version Ⅰ-

[Creators] [Paulownia box] JAPAN OF CUTLERY -Version Ⅰ- / Pal Design Studio

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size ナイフ:220mm フォーク:178mm スプーン:190mm 桐箱:170mm×280mm
weight (g) 620.0000
notes oven, freezer, microwave, dishwasher cannot be used.
remarks Do not use other than applications. Be careful when handing so as not to hurt your hands or finger because it is cutlery. Do not point to a person the cutlery. Do not cut the hard stuff. Unreasonable usage may damage the blade or other damages of products. Wipe off with a dry cloth when it is wet with water or any other liquid. Handles of Japanese cutleries are made of plain wood. To make the most use of natural taste, they are waxed. However, if you leave the handles in wet for a long time, the place may become stain. Do not place near fire. Handles may get burnt or transform.
Short Description 【[Creators] JAPAN OF CUTLERY -Version Ⅰ-】This is a Japanese cutlery set includes table knife, fork and spoon. Table knife is produced by Seki Kanetsugu in Seki city of Gifu prefecture. Fork and spoon are produced by Tsubame Bussan in Tsubame city of Niigata prefecture. Sharp table knife is made with skill of making Japanese katana. It does not damage the cells of food when it cut food. Japanese cutlery has got attention from the world now.

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